滑板艺术家Steve Caballero 从未止步,一直向前

作者: Ride Channel 发表于: 2014-03-06 评论: 0 查看: 0


你或许会觉得一个人的一生能拥有如此多的称谓是不可能的,哪怕能专注做好其中的一样已经非常不容易了。但是,Steve Caballero绝对是实至名归地拥有这一切称谓,他的朋友对他都是赞不绝口,因为他比所有人付出更多的努力和汗水。

A Professional Skateboarder, an Artist, a Musician, a Motocross Rider, and a Faith driven Family Man. You would think that a person who has accomplished so much in their life, would have to do so one thing at a time. In most cases that is true, but for Steve Caballero, accomplishment comes to all aspects of his life as he works harder than most to do so.

来源:Ride Channel

来源: 中国滑板网
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