Adidas出品:Stan Smith网球之外的滑板人生

作者: adidas skateboard 发表于: 2014-02-18 评论: 0 查看: 0

提到Stan Smith大家首先想到的可能是Adidas的经典鞋款stan smith,喜欢网球的朋友应该知道Stan Smith是上世纪7美国传奇网球运动员,并且还是两届大满贯得主,但是之前可能从来都没有人听说过Stan Smith和滑板的渊源。在50年代当Stan Smith还是个孩子的时候他就已经开始滑板了,Adidas近日为Stan Smith推出了一段纪录片讲述Stan Smith与滑板的不解情缘,并请到了Nestor Judkins扮演年轻时期的Stan Smith,老电影风格的画面以及复古的打扮似乎带领我们穿越到了Stan Smith的时代。

Many people already know Stanley Roger Smith as two time Grand Slam singles champion, one of the greatest tennis players of all time. What people don't know is that Stan has been a lifelong skater since his childhood in the 50's. For the release of the Stan Smith Skate we proudly introduce the secret life of the man behind the legendary shoe that was initially designed for use on a tennis court.


来源: 中国滑板网
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