咱们的主角Ryan,和好盆友 Zered Bassett, Justin Brock 以及Bobby Worrest继续旅行南卡罗来纳。找乐子总少不了的烟火,这里恰好有世界上最大的爆竹商店!紧接着的亚特兰大也有Bobby喜欢的台子,各种线之后却下起雨来,这集就到这了……
In this latest episode of ‘The Sheckler Sessions’, Ryan, Zered Bassett, Justin Brock and Bobby Worrest back each other up skateboarding in South Carolina. They go out with a bang, the biggest bang you could buy from the world’s largest firework store. Their travels then take them down to Atlanta where Bobby hammers out a couple of ledge lines. The guys then go off on a crusty bump to handrail before the rain comes and shuts down the session.
Sheckler Sessions第八集 - 暴风战士