Micky Papa - 2013个人视频

作者: Thrashermagazine 发表于: 2013-01-14 评论: 0 查看: 0


        滑手Micky Papa在新年伊始平凡出现于Thrasher的滑板栏目,今天正真的重头戏份来了,Micky Papa2013年个人视频发布。很多人可能还不了解这位来自温哥华的22岁小伙子,但是他的赞助商都是拥有大牌滑手的品牌,像Plan B, DC, RDS虽然目前只是AM滑手,但是含金量不足小视。



A tech wizard whos adapted to gnarly terrain, the evidence of Mickys board control has been building for a while. And its all added up to this part here.


来源: Thrashermagazine
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