2010年度最佳AM滑手Collin Provost短片

作者: Skateboard Mag 发表于: 2011-03-18 评论: 0 查看: 0

    Skateboard滑板杂志宣布Collin Provost荣获其评选的2010年度最佳AM滑手,并选取他去年参与拍摄的Toy Machine:Brainwash和Emerica:Stay Gold两部品牌大作中的片断精华制作了如下短片。

    Were very proud to announce 2010s Years Best Am winner, Collin Provost. With his exclusive YBAm interview about to drop in issue #86 of The Mag, this video montage highlighting clips from not one, but his two video parts this year (Toy Machines Brainwash and Emericas Stay Gold), its safe to say the kid put in work,Congrats, Collin!

来源: Skateboard Mag
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