Berrics老板Steve Berra为Lexus拍摄宣传片

作者: Lexus 发表于: 2011-01-17 评论: 0 查看: 0

    不久前本站已报道过职业滑手Bob Burnquist为丰田普锐斯拍摄宣传片一事。近日,丰田汽车旗下的豪华车品牌雷克萨斯(凌志)也放出一部与职业滑手/Berrics板场老板Steve Berra合作的宣传片,片中Steve Berra驾驶着一辆全新的CT 200h跟Darkcasting的女主持Whitney闲聊他的生活、职业、板场等等,还是很有意思的,值得一看!

    Lately we have watched Toyota Prius MPVs teaser video features professional skateboarder Bob Burnquist and now Lexus have put out a promo video featuring Berrics co-owner, Steve Berra. Its basically him in a Lexus, talking with some girl about his life and career, The Berrics and acting. Pretty interesting – definitely more likely to make me look at a Lexus than your standard car ad. Check it out!


来源: Lexus
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