官方消息,Chris Cole正式获得来自加州圣克莱蒙特的新兴时尚袜子品牌Stance赞助。
Stance虽然是一支新生且主营周边产品(袜子)的品牌,但来头却不小,首先将目光锁定在极限运动的空白周边领域的想法来自著名的极限运动耳机品牌Skullcandy的CEO Rick Alden和总裁Jeff Kearl,而且他们也是这一新品牌的主要投资者。
其次,Stance吸纳了一批业内的顶尖人才组成了其强大的项目团队,其中包括:Reef前任总裁John Wilson出任总裁及首席运营官,任职9年的前Billabong艺术指导Aaron Hennings担任创意和品牌副总裁,Element前任市场总监Ryan Kingman,以及由Isis(iPod包和笔记本内胆包的生产者)老板Taylor Shupe担任生产总监。而作为公司的CEO,Jeff Kearl曾创办一家在线图形设计公司并于2007年将公司卖给惠普(HP)。
所以当这些人聚在一起并决定在极限运动领域买袜子的话,那我只能说这袜子必须很NB!至少Lizard King就很买账,如今又多了Chris Cole,下一个会是谁?
Stance proudly welcomes Chris Cole to its camp!
About Stance:
A new startup company staffed with industry veterans is targeting what it sees as one of the last untapped frontiers in action sports: socks.
Stance, based in San Clemente, is the brain child of Skullcandy CEO Rick Alden and Chairman Jeff Kearl, who are significant investors in the business along with some outside investors.
Stance has attracted top talent to its executive team: John Wilson, the former president of Reef, is president and chief operating officer; Aaron Hennings, formerly the art director at Billabong for nine years, is the vice president of creative and brand; Ryan Kingman, formerly the marketing director at Element, is the director of marketing; and Taylor Shupe, the owner of Isis, a maker of iPod cases, bags and laptop sleeves, is the director of manufacturing.
Kearl, who started and sold an online graphic design company to HP in 2007, is the CEO.