2016 奥地利红牛在底特律举办的Hart Lines 比赛已经圆满落下了帷幕。虽然参加比赛的都是重量级的一线滑手,但是面对巨大的道具他们肯定也会失误。下面就是比赛中的一些动作失误合辑,希望大家能够学习他们,即使摔得再痛也能毅然拿起滑板继续挑战的精神。
Cold concrete, slick ramps, snow flurries, sticky rails — Hart Plaza had it all! But the degree of difficulty was high at this comp, and there was no easy way to make it top-to-bottom. Feast your eyes on the best of the worst slams and sacks from the competition.