Nike SB | 2016 欧洲系列AM 比赛 |巴塞罗那站邀请视频

作者: Nike SB 发表于: 2016-05-17 评论: 0 查看: 0

2016 Nike SB 欧洲系列AM 比赛吹响了号角,旗下滑手Fran Molina, Michael Sommer, Andrew Verde, Daniel Lebron, Marek Zaprazny 等人用影片号召大家前来参加5月20号~22号的巴塞罗那站赛事。没想到一个邀请的影片也能拍得如此唯美!

Nike SB's Fran Molina, Michael Sommer, Andrew Verde, Daniel Lebron, Marek Zaprazny and friends Nayat Cheikh and Brayan Albarenga warm up and invite you to the first stop of the Nike SB European Contest Series, the Barcelona AM, on May 20th-22nd at Skate Agora.

来源: Nike SB
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