2016 奥地利红牛呈现的盛大Hart Lines 比赛将会在底特律的Hart Plaza 举办。Ryan Sheckler 和一群滑板届顶级的精英将在这独一无二的赛道上毫不保留地展现自己精彩的技术,下面就随着他们的热身现场为这一场比赛预热一番吧。
The biggest names in skateboarding are headed to Detroit's Hart Plaza for the second edition of Red Bull Hart Lines. Ryan Sheckler and an elite roster of invited pros will take on the unique two-lane course and put their skills on the line in front of a packed Detroit crowd. Click play and check out some of the skaters session the course during practice... and if this is any indication, the main event is sure to be a banger.