Stevie Williams 不仅是滑板届最杰出的滑手之一,他更是一名相当成功的企业家,经营着DGK这样出名的滑板品牌。15岁的时候他从费城背井离乡只身跑去加州,在旧金山变成了一名无家可归的小孩...Vice Sport为大家带来讲述这个流浪少年的名人梦。
视频来源:Vice Sport Youtube频道
Stevie Williams isn't just one of the greatest skateboarders of all time, he's the successful entrepreneur behind Dirty Ghetto Kids and a host of other ventures - but it wasn't always that way. Stevie ran away from his home in Philly at age 15 and hitchhiked his way across to the west coast where he found himself homeless in San Francisco. In this episode of VICE Sports Meets, Stevie takes us through his old Frisco stomping grounds and talks about his full evolution from "degenerate to celebrity."