奥地利红牛:滑板亲兄弟系列,Felipe Gustavo & Paulo Macedo

作者: 奥地利红牛 发表于: 2016-02-25 评论: 0 查看: 0

奥地利红牛滑板亲兄弟系列为大家带来Felipe Gustavo 与哥哥Paulo Macedo 的滑板故事。他们两个都非常喜欢滑板,看着Felipe 仿佛拥有上帝恩赐的天赋,Paulo 决定安心做个摄影师,默默助Felipe 一臂之力。而他也没有让人失望,从巴西跻身入了美国一线滑手的行列。

Behind every great moment in skateboarding, there’s a great photographer, someone trusted to find the perfect frame among the chaos of, say, someone hurling themselves repeatedly over the ledge of a 12-stair. Felipe Gustavo, one of Brazil’s finest skateboarding exports, lives in L.A. with his go-to photographer, and brother, Paulo Macedo. The duo left Brazil to tag-team the Southland’s skate scene together, and the edit above shows them in their essence doing just that. From Downtown LA, Gustavo and bro head out to South Compton’s green ledges and the permanent skate playground at Lockwood Elementary to show what it looks like when they’re doing work. Skateboarding was their ticket to see the world, from Brazil to L.A. and everywhere in between, and they have no plans on slowing.

来源: 奥地利红牛
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