谁说女子不如男?她们滑板绝对能顶起半边天!2016 年Girls Combi 碗池派对圆满结束,出场的女滑手中每一名都十分出色,具身材,颜值,技术为一体,现场的各种off the wall 更是引得观众欢呼声连连!女神Lizzie Armanto 当天也有参赛!
The Combi Pool is a daunting, unforgiving concrete pit, but these women rise to the challenge every year, and the skating just keeps getting better. Cheers, ladies! RESULTS PRO's 1. Poppy Starr 2. Nora Vasconcellos 3. Lizzie Armanto 4. Brighton Zeuner 15 and Over 1. Jordyn Barrett 2. Yndiara Asp 3. Hanna Zanzi 14 and Under 1. Dora Varella 2. Spencer Breaux 3. Bryce Wettstein