
作者: 奥地利红牛 发表于: 2015-10-29 评论: 0 查看: 0

我们生活的世界总是充满着各种正负相反的格调,有时候太极中"阴阳"的概念也能迸发出无限的乐趣。Jost Arens 和Vladik Scholz 上演单色调的疯狂,黑与白的世界!让你有一种白天与黑夜颠倒,分不清黑与白的感觉。

With the diametric rhythms of life shaping so much of our world, we thought it would be fun to have a little play with the yin and yang in this concept clip featuring Jost Arens, Vladik Scholz, and Denny Pham. On/off, night/day – the visual metaphors are repeated throughout skating, from Isle graphics to Mystery’s brand identity. In order to draw the oppositional forces together, our boys created a set of contrasting obstacles in a studio setting and merged their skating with the polarised purity of their surroundings. Watch some black and white wildness, as Vladik Scholz, Jost Arens and Denny Pham skate with contrast.

来源: 奥地利红牛
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