
作者: ridechannel 发表于: 2015-10-14 评论: 0 查看: 0

每一年都有大批来自南美的滑手在这个时候赶赴欧洲滑板,为的就是躲避南美洲凛冽的寒冬。今年,Jesus Munoz 和Marcelo Jimenez 便来到了德国的法兰福克。舒适的天气和完美的地形,让两个滑手按捺不住内心的激动,大招频频放出,在德国度上了愉快滑板的一天!

Every year there are groups of skaters who escape the South American winter in hopes of good sessions in the european summer. This year Jesus Munoz and Marcelo Jimenez came to Frankfurt and meet up with chilean photographer, Alvaro Galarce. The guys were only here for 3 days while they awaited flights to LA to continue their summer vacation. The guys were super motivated to skate every spot. They definitely did a few things in Frankfurt that the locals had never seen before. Its always rad to see motivated dudes skate their hardest and have fun doing it.

来源: Ride Channel
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