比利时因"盛产"技术高超的滑手而闻名,其中Rampaffairz 板场更是人才济济,见怪不怪。Axel Cruysberghs就是一个鲜明的代表,他在这个室内板场玩得随心所欲,每一个grind招都铿锵有力。
Belgium is pretty well-known for producing amazing skateboarders, and Rampaffairz skatepark is clearly no stranger to the phenomenon, with Axel Cruysberghs being a prime example. Located in Wevelgem, and once called Zumiez, the park re-opened not long after a temporary closure, due to budget shortages. Indoors, it hosts a vert ramp, a super-wide mini ramp, and a huge street course. It's just the park you’d want right by your house, and Cruysberhgs skates it the way it deserves to be skated.