探访滑板的秘密之地--明尼阿波利斯,又一部feel超正滑板视频,依旧出自红牛,由Steve Nesser, Clint Peterson, Davis Torgerson等几位来自明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市及附近地区的职业滑手带你游历一番这座绝对值得一滑的城市。
Minneapolis, Minnesota is the city you've probably never skated, that you should visit to come skate. The city centre has been skated for some 25 years with some spots, like the Garage, staying relevant and skateable that whole time. Spots are literally a stone throw away, and when the winter is at bay, there's no beating the weather.
Pro skaters like Steve Nesser, Clint Peterson and Davis Torgerson hail from Minneapolis or nearby, with Nesser holding it down year-round, running Familia Skateshop and the Familia HQ skatepark, which helps keep the tight-knit skate scene from going crazy every winter.