Red Bull(奥地利红牛)丝绸之路滑板Tour大片第3集发布

作者: Red Bull 发表于: 2015-08-21 评论: 0 查看: 0

乌鲁木齐虽然没有什么世界奇迹建筑,但是如果你是一名滑手,这里的金字塔一定会深深将你吸引。红牛滑板队的丝绸之路旅程一到乌鲁木齐便马上在金字塔广场滑起来,完美的台子和一个triple gap让大家不亦乐乎。如果没完成一个巨大的Wallie那么这里就白来了。

Ürümqi may not have any wonders of the world, but if you’re a skateboarder, the pyramids are tough to beat. The team arrives and immediately sets to work on skating pyramid-filled plazas, a triple-gap fountain and some perfect ledges. It wouldn’t be a complete trip to China without some “Great Wallies”.

来源: Red Bull
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