以色列Volcom 滑板大片:梦想成真,滑在闹市的中央巴士站

作者: ridechannel 发表于: 2015-07-31 评论: 0 查看: 0

在市中心的商城,ZF建筑或者巴士站台滑板是许多滑手假象过的场景,然而因为法律,条规,人群的限制却无法实现。以色列Volcom 联合Boarderline滑板店,就在闹市的中央巴士站实现了这个梦想,大家刷着平滑的大理石,玩着平时无法征服的地形,不亦乐乎。

You've seen these places your whole life and dreamed of having the chance to skate them...the mall, government buildings, the bus station etc. This lucky group of skaters in Israel had their dreams come true. Volcom Israel and Boarderline Skateshop team, together with the Doloreskateboarding crew, and the 5 winners of the instagram contest, got to skate the marble haven which is Tel Aviv's central bus station.

来源: Ride Channel
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