Noise Magazine 联合Converse CONS发布滑板短片 ‘All Engines’,汇集了CONS荷兰、比利时和卢森堡三地的滑手 Alex Raeymaekers, Noah Bunink, Jeremy van der Eijk, Willem van Dijk, Billy Hoogendijk & Othmar van Rijswijk在阿姆斯特丹的视频,那种自娱自乐的玩法倒是也颇有感染力!
Noise Magazine & Converse CONS present ‘All Engines’, a film by Sami El Hassani that features Converse CONS Benelux Ambassadors Alex Raeymaekers, Noah Bunink, Jeremy van der Eijk, Willem van Dijk, Billy Hoogendijk & Othmar van Rijswijk.
‘All Engines’ revolves around the always hectic city of Amsterdam, where nothing seems too easy. Read the full article in NOISE Magazine Issue #03 that you’ll in a skateshop near you.