庆Chris Cole加入,Plan B齐聚Active板场demo

作者: 发表于: 2015-05-28 评论: 0 查看: 0

Plan B正式欢迎Chris Cole加入旗下滑板团队,于上周日齐聚库卡蒙加 的Active板场,包括COLE本人在内,RYAN SHECKLER,FELIPE GUSTAVO,CHRIS JOSLIN等滑手都是超级卖力的表演,但是最后让却一个14岁的小鬼炸场了!

On May 23rd 2015 the Plan B team officially welcomed Chris Cole to the team and headed out to Active in Rancho Cucamonga for a signing followed by a demo at Active Ride Shop HQ.

来源: Plan B
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