David Smith 第四部独立滑板影片「BB4」发布

作者: Ride Channel 发表于: 2015-05-16 评论: 0 查看: 0

BB4 是第四部由David Smith 拍摄完成的独立滑板影片。视频取景于美国阿里桑那州的坦佩,在Freedom 滑板店和Brimley 滑板品牌的帮助下他才能顺利完成影片的拍摄,一起来欣赏下。

BB4 (@bb4video) is the fourth independent skate video filmed and edited by David Smith (@dsskate) It was shot mostly in Tempe, Arizona. Special Thanks to Freedom Boardshop and Brimley Skateboards

来源: Ride Channel
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