House of Vans亚洲巡回活动纪录片 「Shooting The Dragon」

作者: VANS 发表于: 2015-04-13 评论: 0 查看: 0

VansShooting The Dragon是一部关于House of Vans亚洲巡回活动的纪录片,由现居住在上海的电影制片人Charles Lanceplaine所创作摄制。在2014年,House of Vans再次来到了亚洲,将上海、首尔、香港和广州这四个城市中志同道合的年轻人聚集在同个屋檐下,共同欢祝自我创意的表达。在纪录片中你可以看到从独立杂志制作到丝网印刷课程,从纹身艺术家到东洛杉矶的朋克乐队,点击观看便可更多了解到亚洲的创意年轻人。

Shooting The Dragon is full length documentary by Shanghai-based filmmaker Charles Lanceplaine, about the House of Vans Asia Tour. In 2014, the House of Vans brought together like-minded people under one roof in Shanghai, Seoul, Hong Kong, and Guangzhou for a celebration of creative expression. From zine makers to screen printers, and from tattoo artists to East LA punk bands…Put your finger on the pulse of what’s happening with creative people across Asia.

来源: Vans
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