New Balance Numeric又一次召集旗下包括PJ Ladd, Levi Brown, Jordan Taylor,Jack Curtin在内的滑板团队带来他们最新的滑板视频作品,采用经典的SONY VX摄像机拍摄,似乎给力的品牌和滑手们直接让这台摄像机超频工作了,4K和大胡子PJ都是真的么?
The New Balance Numeric team set out to film a VX part and stumbled upon the secret 4k setting of your favorite camera. "Who knew the VX could film 4k all this time?” VX 4000 Featuring PJ Ladd, Levi Brown, Tom Karangelov, Jordan Taylor, Tyler Surrey, Jordan Trahan, Tom Knox, Marquise Henry and Jack Curtin.