红牛:滑在奥地利,Mario Wirnsberger带你游维也纳

作者: redbull 发表于: 2015-03-30 评论: 0 查看: 0

Mario Wirnsberger拥有一份全职工作,却仍然有时间拍摄让人震惊的滑板片!他来自澳洲的农村,经过几年的周游列国,最终搬到了奥地利的维也纳。让我们通过他带来的滑板影片,欣赏他强悍的街式实力同时,也感受维也纳这座城市的魅力。

Working a full-time job while still dropping a killer video part? That's Mario Wirnsberger for you, who relocated from the Austrian countryside to Vienna after trotting the globe for a couple of years. How does he do it? Well, let's just say the guy has his priorities figured out. Take a look at Mario's technical street skating abilities.

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