Wes Kremer 与Torey Pudwill, Marius Syvanen, Madars Apse, T-Funk, Tyler Surrey 等实力滑手一同前往南非海岸地形独特的加利群岛。一群人给我们带来了无止境的狂欢之旅,无论是技术还是拍摄影片的器材都是顶级水平,周末有如此好片相伴实在太满足了。
The Canary Islands off the coast of Africa were a unique travel choice for SOTY 2014 Wes Kremer. This absolutely ripping edit shows these guys had non-stop fun the whole time. Also featuring Torey Pudwill, Marius Syvanen, Madars Apse, T-Funk, Tyler Surrey, and many more.