滑板英伦风:Lost Art x Nike SB合作款宣传片

作者: 发表于: 2015-03-17 评论: 0 查看: 0

紧随Lost Art x Nike SB合作系列的发布,这部由Lost Art提交的宣传片也应运而生,全部由利物浦本土滑手参演,纯正的英式风格,急速滑行于糙粝的街道,寻找自由与野性的完美结合。

Following the recent release of their collaboration with Nike SB, Lost Art released a nice all-Liverpool edit featuring Charlie Birch, Thomas Harrison, Chris Jones, Vaughan Jones and David Mackey. Both shoes are now available exclusively from Lost Art, global release set on March 21th.

来源: fngmagazine
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