Adidas为自己的Skate Copa 2015活动再发造势视频,介绍西南区几大滑板店的代表滑手,不乏Chris Joslin、Jordan Hoffart、Kevin Romar,Trent Mcclung这些为大家熟知的高手,这部短片汇集了他们的精彩动作,看过之后保证你对Skate Copa 2015兴趣大增。
In the spirit of fun and camaraderie inherent to skateboarding, adidas Skate Copa is a national shop vs. shop contest circuit broken into 5 regional stops, culminating in a massive Final at The Berrics. The best shop teams from across the country are invited. While you’re getting ready to watch all the insane skating from the first stop in LA, get acquainted with all the competing shop teams from Southern California, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, and Nevada. If these guys go this hard in the streets, just imagine how they got down for the Southwest Regionals.