RCVA 欧洲高能年轻滑手Didrik Galasso 洛杉矶之行

作者: TWS 发表于: 2015-03-11 评论: 0 查看: 0

不到20岁的欧洲年轻滑手Didrik Galasso已经是RVCA 欧洲队伍的重要成员,这次他到访了美国的洛杉矶和长滩,将他的风格全部展露在各个地形中。片尾用 impossible 飞跃一条大沟渠以及高能darkslide 下扶手杆直接秒杀了一切。

RVCA Europe Advocate Didrik Galasso came out to LA, Long Beach, and the like and put his stylish stamp on the spots. Peep the mondo impossible and the unthinkable darkslide at the end!

来源: Transworld Skateboarding
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