Darkstar新血滑手Dave Bachinsky欢迎视频

作者: 发表于: 2015-03-10 评论: 0 查看: 0

相信上周看过Dave Bachinsky各种失误镜的预告片之后都会对今天的这个正式版的Darkstar欢迎视频充满期待,答案是这份期待是值得的。

风格老牌Darkstar在滑手的选择方面也是相当独到,Dave Bachinsky作为他们的新成员也绝对是名副其实,各种大地形杀的异常轻松,全面扎实的技术和独特的思路加上硬朗的个人风格,识别度相当之高!

Dave Bachinsky was added to the Darkstar team last week. Thrasher had released a clip with Dave at Double Rock not long after and they have now posted the full “Welcome to Darkstar” part at their site. A true all-terrain ripper, Dave goes big, gets tech, and even skates a boulder in the forest. Cheers to another rad part from one of the nicest dudes you’ll ever meet.

来源: Thrasher
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