CONS Project南非滑板之旅短片Cape Crusade

作者: 发表于: 2015-03-09 评论: 0 查看: 0

Converse CONS欧洲滑板团队滑手Remy Taveira, David Stenstrom和Jerome Campbell在去年12月前往南非开普敦展开滑板之旅,与他们同行的还有摄影师Nils Svensson 。

作为CONS Project项目的一部分,这部短片在记录滑手们一周滑板旅行的同时探险海角,从DIY场地到滑板场再到野地和南非独特的自然风光,观赏指数颇高!

In December 2014 Converse CONS European team riders Remy Taveira, David Stenstrom and Jerome Campbell travelled to Cape Town, South Africa. Alongside them was photographer Nils Svensson who came to document a week of skateboarding and exploration on the Cape peninsula, at the southern tip of the African continent.

来源: skatedaily
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