【滑板文艺】脑洞太大的滑板旅行片-『SKATE HEAD』

作者: 发表于: 2015-03-07 评论: 0 查看: 0

旧金山艺术家Jeff Hamada总能点石成金,这次他与Flexifit合作的影片『SKATE HEAD』更是如此,由温哥华的Benny和Christian Zenga导演的滑板片脑洞大开:先划船,再『滑船』再到火车上『滑船』……总之这是不可思议的滑板旅行

Anything Jeff Hamada at BOOOOOOOM touches turns to gold. His latest collaboration with Flexifit, the short film Skate Heads, is no exception. Created by Vancouver-based directors Benny and Christian Zenga, watch as a host of skateboarders ride down a river in a boat, then flip it, then ride it, then catch a train and do the same. What? Just watch the video. It’s too hard to explain.

来源: MC magazine
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