由Michael Sassano拍摄的独立滑板影片”Duzzed”完整版正式发布,“于粗狂的环境中展现滑板的细腻”恐怕就是对这部作品最好的诠释。
影片拍摄于纽约和韦斯切斯特两地,历时半年,更有当地滑手Chris Pierre Jacques, Ian Preut, “The Dirty Duzzon”, Paul Hintz, Marcus Eagel, Brandon Gironda的加盟。
Following the sick Brandon Gironda’s part last week, here’s the full version of ”Duzzed”. The video was filmed in Westchester and NYC, between May 2014 and January 2015, by Michael Sassano and features Chris Pierre Jacques, Ian Preut, “The Dirty Duzzon”, Paul Hintz, Marcus Eagel, and Brandon Gironda.