Matix 服饰形象大使Mark Dodd最新宣传影片

作者: Skate Daily 发表于: 2015-02-12 评论: 0 查看: 0

Matix服饰的形象大使Mark Dodd特地前往美国西北部拍摄宣传影片。当耐心等待天气转晴以后终于可以到大街上拍片了,轻松十足,变化多端的各式manual动作,让经过的一行美女都忍不住为他鼓掌。

It takes a lot of patience and dedication to skate in the North East, but when the weather is right, you know skateboarders are out in the streets taking full advantage. Check out some of Mark Dodd’s recent footage in this rad edit from Matix, filmed during some of the warmer, dryer times of the year.

来源: Skate Daily
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