大型U池的比赛是滑板目前仍然可以冲击大家视觉的赛事之一,看着各路传奇滑手在举行的U池上各种飞跃实在让肾上腺素飙升,女神Lizzie Armanto的单手倒立直接让人充血。「Session in the Abyss II」U池上的比拼,你不能错过!
Vert skating is still some of the heaviest shit you can do on four wheels. Check out what the best in the biz bust when they're not stuck doing timed runs for plastic trophies. Upstarts Jimmy Wilkins, Tom Schaar and Sam Beckett trade walls with legends Rune Glifberg, PLG and Jake Brown. And then there's the dudes who've never worn pads in their lives - Chris Russell gets stuffed then shuts it down!