匡威 CONS APAC 滑板队中国昆明&南宁Tour

作者: Ride Channel 发表于: 2015-02-02 评论: 0 查看: 0

匡威APAC滑板队前往中国昆明与南宁进行了一次为期两周的Tour,特邀滑手有 Andrew Brophy. Watch Jeff Gonzales, Tao Kitpullap, Andrew Brophy, Absar Lebeh以及Geng Jakkarin等等。昆明和南宁街上的人和物都充满着吸引力,他们还征服了许多我们从未见过的地形。

The Converse CONS APAC team went on a 2 week trip to Kunming and Nanning in China with special guest Andrew Brophy. Watch Jeff Gonzales, Tao Kitpullap, Andrew Brophy, Absar Lebeh and Geng Jakkarin. skate some of the best spots you've never seen. If you like amazing new spots, you'll like this. Get your flight booked now.

来源: Ride Channel
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