Bastien Salabanzi为Diamond洛杉矶新板场开光

作者: 发表于: 2015-01-23 评论: 0 查看: 0

刚刚加入Primitive的滑手Bastien Salabanzi再次亮相,跟随 Street League一起前往洛杉矶新近建成的Diamond Skate Plaza滑板场,场地设计貌似很合Bastien的胃口,所以看到 Salabanzi在场内各种翻飞,你也一定不会失望!

Going one step beyond a simple flip-in-flip-out approach, Bastien tends to turn it up with an extra flip here and there. Street League hit up the new Diamond Skate Plaza in Los Angeles, CA for a quick, fun afternoon session with the French ripper.

来源: skatedaily
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