如果说职业滑板是帮助提升技术的一所学院,那么Daewon Song绝对是一名神级教父。他站在滑板领域的最高点,在过去的一年中,他用滑板征服了眼前的所有东西。在Berrics Manual比赛2UP中的表现无法用言语形容,今年他还赢得了滑板视频大赛BERRICS IN TRANSITION第一名!还记得他在Mini Ramp上将两块滑板叠起来做的动作吗?世界上恐怕没有人可以在Mini Ramp上打败他,用”登峰造极”来形容他的技术一点也不过分,更不要提他为REDirect拍摄的片子了!总而言之“大王宋”就是最接近神的男人!
If professional skateboarding were an institution of higher learning, Dr. Daewon Song would be our martial artist in residence. The top researcher in his field, Dr. Dae has taken pause from a deadly year of silently assassinating everything set before him—the manny-based video contest 2Up, and the opposite side of the metaphorical coin, the park-and-round-wall-based video contest In Transition—not to mention his skating in Chase Gabor’s Reverie video for REDirect and the daily battle with skateboarding’s preconceptions that he uses to keep his skill set razor sharp. And as part of his residency program, the good doctor hopes to establish a creative and aggressive field of study that will keep students of all skateboarding disciplines following his killer-instincts for semesters to come.