虽然不知道Felipe Gustavo晚上会不会失眠,但是他那精准完美的招式动作已经让许多人彻夜未眠。在2014年中,他凭借自己高超的技术参与了许多大片的拍摄,他不仅仅只是一个动作完美,他的lines水准也是相当的高,甚至是整部影片都无可挑剔。他赢得了Run&Gun比赛的第一名,在60秒内他做出了拿手的10个动作,而大部分翻板的动作都是用switch或者nollie脚位做出来的。他在Plan B大片「TRUE」中的表现可以作为整支队伍的技术代表了,他呲台的动作满足了世界各地观众的胃口。另一方面,他也在SLS Pro公开赛为自己赢得了进入街式联盟的资格,每场重要的巡回赛他总能打入决赛。他在Berrics板场拍下了数不尽的片段,2014年对于突然崛起的Felipe Gustavo来说,绝对是一个好年!
It’s a wonder that Felipe Gustavo can sleep at night. The level of technical perfection he requires of himself would give most people insomnia. Yet he possesses the precision to roll away from the most technical moves of 2014, not just once, but lines’ worth … whole video parts’ worth. In his first place winning Run & Gun 2014 run (making him 2 for 2 for R&G as a whole), he packed ten tricks in a 60 second run, most of which were flip in, switch, or nollie. His Plan B TRUE part definitely qualified him as the tech rep of the crew, and did a mighty fine job to quench the thirst of ledge connoisseurs worldwide. And on the opposite end of the spectrum, he won his way into Street League at the SLS Pro Open, made Finals in just about every major contest circuit, and filmed countless segments on The Berrics. It’s been a good year, Felipe, rest assured.