KR3W最新影片「The Montreal Experience」发布

作者: TWS 发表于: 2014-12-27 评论: 0 查看: 0

这个秋天,KR3W队伍前往加拿大的蒙特利尔拍摄影片「The Montreal Experience」。一群美国人跨境到加拿大,文化差异的碰撞是在所难免的。忍受寒冷的天气,感受浓厚的法国口音,体验不一样的精彩滑板地形都为这次旅行增添了许多色彩。

KR3W: The Montreal Experience December 25, 2014By TWS Culture shock is not usually experienced on an extreme scale by Americans who are touring a Canadian metropolis. This theory of likeness is of course with the exception of those regions within the French-speaking province of Quebec. Touring these areas of the country will truly provide a foreign and worldly experience. And this fall, for many of the heads on KR3W, visiting Montreal did just that. Toggle slow motion anytime during the video with the button in the upper left.

来源: Transworld Skateboarding
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