职业滑手Bobby Worrest和英国贝尔法斯特滑板队一起Tour向风景如画的爱尔兰。安详的生活环境以及唯美的风景实在让人陶醉,这里拥有世界上最有名的滑板地形,生活在此每天出门滑板都动力十足。红牛出品,必属精品,一起来感受下Bobby Worrest等人带来的唯美爱尔兰之行。
Pro skater Bobby Worrest and the Belfast crew take on Ireland with nothing more than skateboards, a knowledge of top spots, and the desire to shred...all of which came in handy during their Irish skate trip. Part 1 of the 40 Shades edits follows Keith Walsh, Bobby Worrest, and Simon Stricker as they skate some killer spots through the country.