昨天看过了Independent操练Dylan Willams,今天再带大家看看Imperial Motion如何用12罐啤酒招待Jordan Hoffart,看来做职业滑手也不容易,技术必须好,酒量也不能差!
Don’t hassle the Hoff! Dude can crush a 12 Pack with no problems. Oh, and a couple guest tricks from Matt Berger? We’re with it.
昨天看过了Independent操练Dylan Willams,今天再带大家看看Imperial Motion如何用12罐啤酒招待Jordan Hoffart,看来做职业滑手也不容易,技术必须好,酒量也不能差!
Don’t hassle the Hoff! Dude can crush a 12 Pack with no problems. Oh, and a couple guest tricks from Matt Berger? We’re with it.