美国滑板鞋品牌DC滑板团队于jin'n今年夏天在欧洲tour的视频正式发布,其中收录了旗下主力滑手Chris Cole, Wes Kremer, Matt Miller,等人在葡萄牙和法国等地的demo和街拍,无论是街头地形还是活动现场的人气都相当有感染力。
The DC team made a much anticipated trip to Europe this summer, hitting the rich skate landscapes of Portugal and France. The crew took to the streets and parks and didn’t disappoint the thousands of dedicated fans that came out along the way. Featuring: Mikey Taylor, Chris Cole, Wes Kremer, Davis Torgerson, Matt Miller, Josef Scott, Tristan Funkhouser and more.