King of the Road 2014—第四集

作者: Trash 发表于: 2014-12-07 评论: 0 查看: 0

King of the Road 2014第四集任务看点更加精彩,Alec Majerus大清早起床就是为了征服一条高度和长度惊人的闪电杆,不过最终引来了警察失败告终,气得他抓起别人的滑板车一顿乱砸。Nyjah表示非常享受每一项任务,Evan Smith收尾的杆子表现直接拿下最佳表现!

Evan Smith gets a heavy NBD, Nyjah kills the MILF game and Majerus goes for the grind of his life. This KOTR is out of control!

来源: Thrasher
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