Shake Junt团队近期发布的「Shake Tank」让大家彻底见识到了他们的团结和实力,这次他们集体再次造访Double Rock板场。虽然这次老大 Andrew Reynolds没能出席,但是其他队员们两个小时内的表现也让大家十分过瘾!
A lot can go down in two hours. Just wait 'til you see the hairball quarterpipe modification at the end.
Shake Junt团队近期发布的「Shake Tank」让大家彻底见识到了他们的团结和实力,这次他们集体再次造访Double Rock板场。虽然这次老大 Andrew Reynolds没能出席,但是其他队员们两个小时内的表现也让大家十分过瘾!
A lot can go down in two hours. Just wait 'til you see the hairball quarterpipe modification at the end.