福利整片-Jart全新滑板大片THE AM PROJECT完整高清在线

作者: 发表于: 2014-11-18 评论: 0 查看: 0

虽然本站已经分享过西班牙一线滑板品牌Jart全新滑板大片THE AM PROJECT的滑手片段,但是现在完整高清版本的发布还是让人兴奋不已。仅仅一分多的片头能让人看的血脉喷张,整片提供了实实在在的视觉享受,没看过高清完整版请不要轻易说爱。

After more than 10 years in active and with a global presence in more than 40 countries, Jart Skateboards has become one of the biggest and most representative European skate brands across the Globe.

来源: 中国滑板网
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