在刚刚过去的十月,Nike SB 带着旗下7位大牌滑手穿越西半球的五大城市展开滑板天团的Ruta Panamericana巡回,从巴西、阿根廷到秘鲁再到墨西哥和洛杉矶,所到之处有如盛世,DEMO现场人气爆表,看到喷血!官方视频带你领略Luan Oliveira, Paul Rodriguez, Ishod Wair, Shane O’neill, Youness Amrani, Karsten Kleppan 和Theotis Beasley几位滑手的滑板实力和号召力。
In October 2014, Nike SB took seven of skateboarding’s best along the Pan American Highway to five of the Western Hemisphere’s most explosive cities.Nike SB Ruta Panamericana incorporates official footage, local media, still photography and the cellphone clips captured by the riders themselves to provide an inside look at a franticly paced skateboard tour of historic proportions. Featuring Luan Oliveira, Paul Rodriguez, Ishod Wair, Shane O’neill, Youness Amrani, Karsten Kleppan and Theotis Beasley along with Leticia Bufoni, Eric Koston, Trevor Colden, Cezar Gordo, Yuri Facchini, Paris Laurenti and the skaters of Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Lima, Mexico City and Los Angeles.