几近年末,Red Bull全新的 Triple Set 滑板赛高调展开,在圣地亚哥著名的北方公园剧院内,华丽的场地,现场DJ和各路滑板高手在三段式台阶上一决高下,最终红牛旗下滑手 TJ Rogers夺冠,Micky Papa和Kelvin Hoefler 分获二三名。
This year Red Bull took its high profile Triple Set contest to yet another unprecedented location, the historic North Park Theater in San Diego. The building was packed with bars and live DJs going off all night. At the end of a lengthy five hour contest, Red Bull’s own TJ Rogers came out on top with Micky Papa in second and Kelvin Hoefler in third. Congrats, bros!