Vans 「Wish You Were Here」中国/香港滑板队亚洲Tour-北京站

作者: VANS 发表于: 2014-11-05 评论: 0 查看: 0

不到长城非好汉,VANS中国/香港滑板队的滑手们「Wish You Were Here」Tour前往中国首都——北京。除了带大家游长城,体验索道的快感,他们还穿梭于具有京城特色的大街小巷,捕猎北京各种最棒的滑板地形。大家一起来过把瘾吧!

Mainly crossing key cities in China, the ‘Wish You Were Here’ Tour will also make stops in Seoul and Hong Kong in an effort to uncover new terrain and experience new adventures. Vans China pro team riders Cyres Wang, Zhang Ziyang, Wang Guohua, and Dan Sansrichai will hit the road along with Hong Kong Vans Team Riders Chun Jai, Piet Guilfoyle, and Chris Bradley, for what hopes to be much more than just a skate tour.

来源: Vans
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