恶搞出名的疯子滑手Bam Margera又回来了,这一次他邀请了Baker, Deathwish, Supra, Emerica, Happy Hour Shades & Primitive Apparel几大滑板品牌旗下的滑手们做客自己的滑板仓库,很高兴我看到的不再是瞎胡闹而是非常酷!
Bam Margera Invited some of the world's best skaters/homies from Baker, Deathwish, Supra, Emerica, Happy Hour Shades and Primitive Apparel to come shred the new skate barn at Castle Bam. Featuring: Bryan Herman, Neen Williams, Terrell Robinson, Braydon Szafranski, Dustin Bell, Pat Rumney, Nick Barba, with guest appearances by the usual crew.